Creating a Printing Quote From an Estimate

To create a printing quote from an estimate:

  1. Open the Printing Estimate Workbench.
  2. Specify an estimate number and line. If a quote already exists for the estimate line, then the Quote Method, Quote Type, and Source fields, as well as the Process button, are disabled. In this case, skip to step 6.
  3. Specify the Quote Method. If you specify Price Quotation, the workbench generates a quote that determines the price on the estimate line. If you specify BOM Pricing, the workbench generates an Estimate Job Order record.
  4. If the estimate status is Working, specify a Quote Type. Choose from New Quote, Existing Quote, or Quote Template. If you specify Quote Template or Existing Quote, use the Source field to specify the template or existing quote. If you specify New Quote, the Source field remains disabled.
  5. Click Process.
  6. In the Sections and Operations sections, add sections and operations, or modify existing records, as needed.
  7. Save the form to update the Print Quote Price and Cost Roll fields.
  8. Close the form.
  9. Open the Estimate Lines form.
  10. Specify the appropriate record and view the Printing tab.
  11. Specify the fields that the Printing Estimate Workbench did not.
  12. Save the record and close the form.

    Information entered before saving the quote displays on the Estimate Lines and Estimate Job Orders forms, where you can update them as needed.