Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula

While you cannot modify a committed formula, you can copy the formula into the Pending Formula field, then modify that formula.

  1. Open the Operation Type Formula Workbench form.
  2. Select a new record that already has a committed formula.
  3. Click Retrieve Committed to copy the contents of the Committed Formula field to the Pending Formula field.
    Note: The pending formula is a hypothetical formula. Only the committed formula is used to calculate quotations.
  4. Click Pending Formula Definition to open the Pending Formula Definition form.
  5. Modify the formula sequences, in the formula, specify a Formula Term Group and Formula Term.
  6. Click OK to return to the Operation Type Formula form. The formula you modified now displays in the Pending Formula field.
  7. If you are satisfied with the formula, and want to begin using it to calculate quotations, click Commit to copy the pending formula to the Committed Formula field.