Setting Up Operation Type Formulas

When preparing quotes for printing and packaging jobs, you can create formulas for each combination of Operation Type and Formula Type on the Operation Type Formula Workbench.

To create a new formula:

  1. Open the Operation Type Formula Workbench form.
  2. Ensure that a formula does not already exist for the desired Operation Type and Formula Type combination.

    If a formula already exists, see Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula.

  3. Create a new record and specify the Operation Type and Formula Type.

    For information about each type of formula, see Formula Types Used in Printing Industry Operations.

  4. Save the record. If a formula already exists for the selected operation and formula types, an error displays and the record is not saved. The buttons on this form are not enabled until the record is saved.
  5. Click Pending Formula Definition to open the Pending Formula Definition form, where you define the formula.
  6. For each sequence in the formula, specify a Formula Term Group and Formula Term.
  7. Click OK to return to the Operation Type Formula form. The formula you created now displays in the Pending Formula field.
    Note:  The pending formula is a hypothetical formula. Only the committed formula is used to calculate quotations.
  8. If you are satisfied with the formula, and want to begin using it to calculate quotations, click Commit to copy the pending formula to the Committed Formula field.