Processing Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions

When you process job material transactions in the Printing Industry Pack, be aware of these situations:

  • To reverse a transaction, enter another transaction that reverses the first.
  • If the Warehouse, Location, or Lot fields change, the grid on the Pieces tab automatically refreshes to retrieve the corresponding records.
  • When you work with by-product items, specify a negative quantity to move the item back into inventory. You cannot add an item as a by-product item if it does not exist in a job bill of material. By-product items cannot be cross referenced.
  • For unposted job material transactions, see Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched Productions.

To process job material transactions:

  1. Open the Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions form.
  2. Specify a Batch ID. This causes the grid to display all materials associated with the batch.
  3. Specify a transaction date and time, or accept the default, which corresponds to the date and time the form was opened.
  4. Use the Select All and Deselect All buttons, or the box next to each material, to specify the materials to process.
  5. Specify the Quantity, Unit of Measure, and Location for each selected material.
  6. Click Process to immediately post the selected materials to their jobs on the shop floor, reduce the item quantity on hand, and increase quantity and costs issued to the batch ID. Batch quantities are split between the original job orders based on the their proportion of the batch quantity.

For example, you might specify this transaction information:

Property Job 001 Job 002 Details
Job Qty 100 50  
Up Number 2 4  
Scrap Factor 2% 5%  
Adjusted Job Qty $204.08 $210.52 (Job Qty * Up Number) / (1-Scrap Factor)
Batch Qty $414.60 $414.60 Sum of all Adjusted Job Qty
Portion of Batched Production 49% 51% Adjusted Job Qty / Batch Qty