Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched Productions

  1. Open the Generate Unposted Job Transactions for Batch Productions form.
  2. Specify a Batch ID and Transaction Type.
  3. Accept the default Date or modify it.
  4. Specify the transaction details in the enabled fields.
    Note:  If the Use Sheet Qty field is selected, specify quantities based on the sheet quantity from the Batched Production Operations form. If the Use Sheet Qty is not selected, specify quantities based on the job quantity.
  5. Click Generate to create new unposted job transactions. Quantity and time values are split between the original job operations based on the their proportion of the batch quantity. See the table below for more details.
  6. Review a summary of the transactions on the Unposted Job Transactions Listing tab, or open the Unposted Job Transactions form to review the details.
  7. Post the transactions on the  form.

This table shows an example of transaction information that you might specify on this form:

Machine or Labor Hour Values Job Operation 100 Job Operation 101 Details
Length 10 10  
Width 1 3  
Up Number 4 2  
Adjusted Operation Qty 40 60 (Length * Width) / Up Number
Total Transactions 100 100 Sum of all Adjusted Operation Qty
Portion of Batched Transactions 40% 60% Adjusted Operation Qty / Total Transactions