Indirect Code

Specify the indirect labor code that is charged for indirect labor transactions. When you insert rows into the dcsfc data collection table, the system automatically generates indirect labor transactions when there is a gap in time for an employee, as illustrated in the following example.

Employee 1 keys in the following Shop Floor Control transactions:

Start Run 9:00 End Run 10:00

Start Run 10:03 End Run 11:00

Start Run  11:30 End Run 12:00

An Indirect Labor Transaction is created by the system for the time block between 11:00 and 11:30, assuming that the grace period (set on the Data Collection Parameters form) was 5 minutes. The system creates the following job transactions:

Start Run 9:00 End Run 10:00

Start Run 10:00 End Run 11:00

Indirect Trans 11:00  11:30

Start Run 11:30 End Run 12:00

We recommend choosing an indirect code that would not be used by any employee (for example, IND). Then you can easily determine which transactions were entered by employees and which were generated by the system.

The indirect code can be updated on the Job Error Processing form.