Check Type

On the Payroll for Pay Period form, select one of the following entries to determine the type of check to generate:

  • Standard
  • Vacation
  • Manual
  • Adjustment

Standard check types are used most often. When payroll transactions are generated using Compute Payroll, transactions of this type are generated. The system allows computation of the employee's wages and taxes and creation of the transactions to the Payroll Distribution Journal, based on the Payroll Parameters form.

Vacation check types indicate that the payroll transaction being generated reflects payment of a paid vacation. Vacation type transactions also have the taxes and wages calculated automatically.

Manual check types indicate that the payroll transaction being generated is for a manual entry. The taxes and wages are not calculated and must be entered manually as well. Manual check types allow you to determine if only certain amounts should be deducted from this check.

Note:  Manual type transactions print a check if you do not supply a check number during Payroll Processing. If you do enter a check number, a check does not print for this transaction.
Note:  All manual checks for direct deposit employees will be treated as normal, manual, non-direct deposit checks. Manual checks will not be direct deposited.

Adjustment check types indicate that the payroll transaction being generated is an adjustment for a previously posted payroll transaction. This includes any adjustments required for year-to-date figures in the Employees file and in Posted Payroll Transactions. An Adjustment should be processed for each employee to represent year-to-date activity when Payroll is implemented in the middle of the year.

Note:  If after you compute payroll you change a Standard check to Manual for the purpose of changing the computed values, and then you change it back to a Standard check, future validations will not occur prior to printing checks.