Apply Pay Factor to Shift Premium

Select this check box to calculate the shift premium as a factor of the pay rate for a particular pay period.

Note:  This check box applies only if the shift premium amount is a domestic currency amount.

If you have activated this feature, the formula for calculating payroll is as follows:

If Pay Type = Regular, then:

pay-rate = (reg-rate + shift.prem-pay)

Else If Pay Type = Overtime then:

Else If Pay Type = Double-time then:

pay-rate = (dt-rate + (shift.prem-pay * (dt-rate / reg-rate) ) )

If you have not activated this feature, the formula for calculating payroll is as follows:

If Premium Amount is a domestic currency amount (based on shift.prem-type: [$ or %]):

pay-rate = pay-rate + shift.prem-pay

Else Premium Amount is a percent:

pay-rate = pay-rate * (1.0 + shift.prem-pay / 100)

Note:  If the premium amount is a percentage, the above equation overwrites this flag.