Compute Payroll Button

This command starts the computations which determine the employee's withholdings and net pay. The SyteLine Payroll system calculates the payroll and generates the Compute Payroll report, which shows any problems that may have occurred during the process, including all errors that in past SyteLine versions were displayed in a pop-up dialog box.

For employees that use direct deposit and have more than one direct deposit bank account, the Compute Payroll process considers all accounts, calculates the direct deposit amount, and accumulates this value into the unposted payroll transaction total direct deposit amount. The process starts with the highest direct deposit rank and continues sequentially through each rank until an employee's net pay amount is depleted. If the total of all the direct deposit amounts exceeds the total net pay, the remainder is put into the last ranked direct deposit account that can be processed, and the Compute Payroll report indicates that all direct deposit accounts could not be processed.

After computing payroll and prior to printing checks and posting payroll transactions, you can view all payroll calculations on the Payroll Processing form, Print/Post Payroll Checks form, or Current Payroll Transactions report.

To view the Compute Payroll or Current Payroll Transactions reports, use the Report Output Files form.

Note:  During Payroll computation, supplemental earnings are not affected by D & E Code amounts. The taxes are based upon the percentage in the Tax Table for each Tax Code. The D & E Code amounts are copied from the Employee Master to the Payroll Transaction record, if they have the appropriate frequency. Deductions are only applied up to the Net Pay amount, in order to keep the Net Pay above zero. The exception is the D & E Codes which have the Reduction flag set to N.