Voiding Posted Payroll Checks

Three procedures allow you to void, or back out of, transactions. The following procedure is for voiding a specified range of posted payroll checks. For more information about the other two procedures, see:

Note:  Use the following procedure to void checks that have been posted.

To void a specified selection of posted checks:

  1. Open the Void A/P Posted Payments form.
  2. In the Bank Code field, enter the ID code of the issuing bank.
  3. In the Starting Check Num field, enter the first check in a range of checks you want to void.
  4. In the Ending Check Num field, enter the last check in a range of checks you want to void.

    After you select the range of checks, you can select individual checks for the void action. So, if you have multiple but not continuously numbered checks to void, you can enter in these fields the lowest check number and the highest check number, and then later select only the checks you actually want to void.

  5. (Optional) To have the utility print a report header page, select Display Report Header.
  6. Click the Filter-in-Place button.

    The system displays all posted checks within the range.

  7. Verify that the Preview option is selected.
    Note:  You cannot select the Commit option until after you have selected Preview and then clicked Process.
  8. Click Process.
  9. Select Commit.
  10. Click Process.