Maintaining Expenses and Liabilities from Payroll Parameters

The Payroll Parameters form allows you to maintain payroll-related Expense and Liability account numbers.

When an expense account number is pulled from this form for a specific employee during payroll processing, the Unit Code 1 number of the department of the employee is appended to it and used. This applies only for the Vac Pay Exp, Holiday Pay Exp, Sick Pay Exp, Co-Paid Ins Exp and Employer Retirement Exp fields.

If there is no entry in the Chart of Accounts for the main account number alone, a message displays that the account number does not exist. You must add the main number to the Chart of Accounts before you can use it on this form.

For example, if the account number 54200-200 is desired and the main account number 54200 is not in the Chart of Accounts as a separate entry, a message displays that the account number does not exist. You must add the main account number to the Chart of Accounts.