What Happens During Payroll Posting

When you post payroll, the updates described here occur.
  • These fields are updated on employee records:
    • Vac Hours Due
    • Vac Hours Paid
    • Sick Hours Due
    • Loan Balance Due
    • Garnish Balance
    • All the fields on the YTD tab of theEmployees form.
  • For each payroll transaction that is posted, the system creates a corresponding Posted Payroll Transaction record.
  • For each payroll transaction that is posted for an employee who uses direct deposit, the system creates a Direct Deposit Detail record.
  • For each payroll transaction, the system creates multiple G/L Journal transactions in the PR DIST journal. If manual distributions were entered, they are also posted to the journal. If none were entered, the default accounts are updated. Any combination of the following G/L accounts can be included in journal transactions:
    • Employee's Wage account
    • Vacation Hours account
    • Holiday Hours account
    • Sick Hours account
    • Fifteen permanent Deduction and Earning Codes accounts
    • Three temporary Deduction and Earning Codes accounts
    • Cash account
    • Direct Deposit Bank Liability account
    • Federal Withholding account
    • Employer FICA Expense account
    • Employer FICA Liability account
    • Employee FICA account
    • Employer Medicare Expense account
    • Employer Medicare Liability account
    • Employee Medicare account
    • FUI Expense account
    • FUI Liability account
    • EIC Liability account
    • Company-Paid Insurance Expense account
    • Company-Paid Insurance Liability account
    • Employer Retirement Contribution Expense account
    • Employer Retirement Contribution Liability account
    • Loan Account Garnish account
    • Union Deduction account
    • State Withholding account
    • SUI Expense account
    • SUI Liability account
    • Other State Tax account
    • Workers' Comp Expense account
    • Workers' Comp Liability account
    • Supplemental Benefit Expense account
    • Supplemental Benefit Liability account
    • City Withholding account