Importing CSV Files from Grampian To this Application

This topic describes the process of importing CSV files from the Grampian database tables to SyteLine.

Importing Data

The external payroll interface (EPI) supports importing specific information from the Grampian database tables to SyteLine in CSV (comma-separated values) format.

The following table maps the Grampian export file columns to the SyteLine PR Distribution Journal table field names. The output file must be in CSV format.

File Layout

Grampian Field Number Grampian Field Name Format Required ERP Field (Schema)
1 Payroll Number 99 Optional Not used
2 Cost Centre nvarchar(15) Required Characters 1-4 -> journal_mst.acct_unit1. If populated, characters 5-8 -> journal_mst.acct_unit3. If populated, characters 9-12 -> journal_mst.acct_unit4.
3 Account Code nvarchar(15) Required Characters 1-12 -> journal_mst.acct
4 National Code description nvarchar(20) Optional Not used
5 Description nvarchar(20) Optional journal_mst.ref
6 Period End Date 99/99/9999 (ddmmyyyy)   journal_mst.trans_date
7 Debit Value -999999.99   If populated -> journal_mst.dom_amount
8 Credit Value -999999.99   If populated -> journal_mst.dom_amount