Importing CSV Files from ADP PC/Payroll To this Application For Windows

This topic describes the process of importing CSV files from ADP PC/Payroll for Windows to SyteLine.

Importing Data

The external payroll interface (EPI) for ADP PC/Payroll for Windows supports the import of specific information from the ADP database tables to SyteLine in CSV (comma-separated values) format. You must use Borland ReportSmith (or a similar tool) to prepare the export file for input to SyteLine via the external payroll interface. If an ADP database table field is longer than the SyteLine database schema field, the ADP data will be truncated.

These are the types of records supported for users of ADP PC/Payroll for Windows:

  • Primary information records
  • Pay information records
  • Tax information records
  • Gross pay accumulators

When the primary information record is loaded into SyteLine, the system checks the Employee table to see if the Employee for whom the data is to be imported already exists in the system. If the Employee is not in the table, data for the primary information record is added to SyteLine.

If the employee already exists in SyteLine, the records are updated with the data imported from EPI. The following chart maps the ADP PC/Payroll data base table and field names to the SyteLine Employee table field names. The output file should be a CSV file named MFOUT.csv.

Primary Information Record (Record Type 1)

Field ADP Database ADP Field employee.mst table column Type Size (format)
File Number V_EMP_ALL File emp_num character 7
NAME V_EMP_ALL Name name character 60
ADDRESS 1 V_EMP_ALL StreetLine1 addr##1 character 50
ADDRESS 2 V_EMP_ALL StreetLine2 addr##2 character 50
CITY V_EMP_ALL City city character 50
STATE V_EMP_ALL State state character 50
ZIP CODE V_EMP_ALL ZipCode zip character 10
SOC. SEC. NO. V_EMP_ALL SocialSecurity Number ssn character 11
HOME DEPT. V_EMP_ALL HomeDepartment dept character 6
PHONE NUMBER V_EMP_ALL AreaCodePhoneNum phone character 25

Pay Information Record (Record Type 2)

Field ADP Database ADP Field employee.mst table column Type Size (format)
File Number V_EMP_ALL File emp_num character 7
PAY FREQUENCY V_EMP_ALL PayFreq pay_freq character 1
RATE 1 V_EMP_ALL Rate1Amt reg_rate decimal 9 (-zzz,zz9.999)

Tax Information Record (Record Type 3)

Field ADP Database ADP Field employee.mst table column Type Size (format)
File Number V_EMP_ALL File emp_num character 7
MARITAL STATUS V_EMP_ALL ActMaritalStatus marital_stat character 1

Gross Pay Year to Date Accumulators (Record Type 7)

Field ADP Database ADP Field employee.mst table column Type Size (format)
File Number V_EMP_ALL File emp_num Character 7
YTD GROSS PAY V_YTD_INFO YTDGross$ ytd_grs Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD FEDERAL TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDFedTax$ ytd_fwt Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD SUI TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDSUISDITax$ ytd_sui_grs Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD SOC SEC TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDSocSecTax$ ytd_fica Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD MEDICARE TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDMedicare$ ytd_med Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD STATE 1 TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDWorkedStateTax$ ytd_swt Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD STATE 2 TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDLivedStateTax$ ytd_ost Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)
YTD CITY 1 TAX V_YTD_INFO YTDWorkedLocalTax$ ytd_cwt Decimal 8 (-zzz,zz9.99)