Searching for Processes or Templates with the Process Manager

You can filter for certain processes or templates by using the fields on the tabs of the Process Manager form.

You can search for processes where you are the owner.

  1. On the Processes tab of the Process Manager form, specify filter criteria in one or more of these fields and click Filter to display a list of processes that match the criteria:
    My Processes
    By default, this field lists your name, and the processes where you are the owner are listed in the tab. You can select another user and click Filter to list and view the processes where that user is the owner.
    Keyword Search

    Specify any keyword or a combination of keywords. These keywords are matched against the terms used in the process header: Process Type, Process Name, Employee Name, Position Title, Department and Division fields of processes where the owner is listed in the My Processes field.

    Date Range
    Select any of the options, or select Custom Dates and specify the range of due dates to search.
    Specify a specific process status for which you want to search.
  2. To search for templates that match specific keywords:
    Note:  You can view any templates, even those where you are not the owner.
    1. In the Keyword Search field on the Templates tab of the Process Manager form, specify any keyword or a combination of keywords.
    2. Click Filter.

      The keywords are matched against the terms used in the Process Type, Process Name, Employee Name, Position Title, Department and Division fields of templates.