Setting up a Process with the Process Manager

To set up a process that relates to a specific user and set of tasks:

  1. Open the Process Manager form.
  2. Click the Processes tab.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Specify the process type to use with the new process. Process types are defined on the Process Manager - Process Types form.
  5. Optionally, select an existing template to fill in some of the information and add general tasks for the process. Otherwise, click Create New to create a process without a template.
  6. Specify a name for the new process.
  7. Specify optional information about the process  such as the position, division or department to which it applies.
  8. Specify the employee to whom this process applies.
  9. Specify the date when this process is due; that is, when all tasks must be finished.
  10. Click Save.
    Note:  If you are using a template, the reusable tasks from the template are updated. The task due dates are calculated based on the process due date minus the Due Offset values of the reusable tasks. If you change the due date for a saved process, the task due dates are not recalculated.

    The Assign To values are determined based on the Position set in the reusable task. If only one employee is assigned to that position, the employee is assigned to the task. If multiple employees are assigned to that position, then a drop-down list of those employees is generated to allow you to select a specific employee when you edit the task.

  11. Add or edit any tasks that are specific to this process, and assign tasks to specific employees:

    You must specify a due date and assignee for each task. In some cases, these values can be defaulted as described in the Note above.

  12. Click Save again to save  the process. You can also click Save as Template if you want to reuse this process and its tasks later.
  13. Click Initiate Process. If any tasks are not assigned or do not have due dates, an error message is displayed. Otherwise, the process status changed from Planned to Active, and an automated email is sent to notify the process owner that the process was initiated. Automated emails are sent to all employees who are assigned to tasks in the process, to inform them about the tasks that they are assigned to and the due dates of those tasks.
  14. Monitor the progress of the process as the assigned employees complete their tasks. Verify that any attached documents are completed correctly, and view any attached notes from the users. Remind assignees to complete tasks as needed, by clicking the Remind link next to the task.
Note:  If anyone other than the owner of a process saves changes to the process, an automated email is sent to the process owner to notify them that another user changed the process.