Completing Assigned Tasks with the Process Manager

As a result of a task assignment on the Process Manager form, you will receive an email that instructs you to complete a task.

To view and complete the tasks that are assigned to you:

  1. On the Process Manager form, the tasks that are assigned to you are shown on the My Tasks tab.
  2. Select a task to view more information about the task.
  3. Depending on the type of task, you might need to provide additional information on this form:
    • Click Attach and use the Attached Documents form to include a document, for example a scanned form or license document.
    • Click View/Attach and use the Attached Documents form to open a document that you must update before you attach it.
    • Click Open Form to open the form specified in the Form to complete field. You must complete some information on this form, as specified in the task description.
    • Click Initiate Event to start a workflow. The resulting workflow might require additional information from you, or it might run automatically.
  4. Optionally, specify any notes about the task.
  5. Click Mark as Complete to indicate that you completed the task. The owner of the process can then see that the task is completed.