Creating Announcements for Employee Self Service

Use the Announcements form to create announcements for the Employee Self Service Home and Announcements Viewer forms. You can create as many announcements as necessary. If you have several announcements within the same valid effective dates, they are displayed for five seconds each in a continuous loop on the Home form.

Announcements can include images. Images can be .png or .jpg files, and the recommended file size is 274 pixels by 220 pixels. Any uploaded image that is used in an announcement is stretched to fit these dimensions when displayed on the Employee Self Service Web forms.

If you do not create any announcements or if the effective dates for the announcements have passed, this message is displayed by default: "You have no new announcements."

  1. Open the Announcements form and click New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Optionally, you can specify a description for the announcement.
    Effective Date and End Date
    Specify the start and end dates for showing the announcement on the Employee Self Service  Web forms.
    Optionally, you can write announcement text of up to 4000 characters. The text is displayed only on the Announcements Viewer form when users click on the announcement title or image on the Home form.
    Image and Title
    Add an image, a title, or both.
    Title Control
    If you provide only a title, you can optionally specify a color to use. By default, the title is displayed in black text.
    • To add an image, right-click the image box and select Load Picture. Browse to the location of your image file and add the file.
    • To add a title, click in the title box and specify a title of up to 255 characters.
    See the description of the Title fielld for information about how the title is used.
  3. Save the record.