Configuring Employee Self Service

After installing Employee Self Service, you must configure the module.

  1. Open the Configuration Manager and select the Applications tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. For the application ID, specify EmployeeSelfService (no spaces) and click OK.
  4. On the New Application form, Main tab, specify this information:
    Application Name
    Specify Employee Self Service.
    Specify the current release number; for example, 9.01.
    Specify EmployeeSelfService (no spaces).
  5. On the Options tab, specify this information:
    Help Server
    Help Start Page
    Specify default.html
    Help Subfolder
    Specify csbiesolh
    Note: By default, the help path is pointing to Infor Documentation Central at If you have modified your help to be on-premises, you must copy the ESS help .zip file to your on-premises server and change the values on the Options tab accordingly. See the installation guide.
  6. Click OK. You are returned to the Configuration Manager, Applications tab.
  7. Select the Configurations tab.
  8. In the list of configuration names, select the existing configuration that is to be used with Employee Self Service and click Copy.
  9. On the Copy Configuration form, specify EmployeeSelfService (no spaces) for the target configuration and click OK.
  10. In the list, select the new configuration and click Edit.
  11. On the Edit Configuration form, specify EmployeeSelfService (no spaces) in the Application field. This is the only change needed.
  12. Click OK.
Note: The Employee Self Service Web forms are not meant to be used from within SyteLine. They are accessible in SyteLine only for customization purposes. If you try to use the Web forms from within SyteLine, you may encounter problems.