Setting up Workers' Compensation Information

Before you can specify all of the information that is required for Workers' Compensation about an employee injury, you must set up information on several forms.

  1. On the Tax Parameters form, specify the appropriate WC Industry Classification Code and description. This code is assigned to your general industry by NCCI.
  2. On the Deduction and Earning Codes form, specify the appropriate WC Class Code and description for each workers' compensation D&E code that has been defined. The class description can include the employee position to which the code applies.

    For more information, see Setting up Workers Compensation Deductions.

  3. On the Prov/States form, specify this information for each province or state where worker injuries could occur or be treated. You can usually obtain these codes from the web site of the state bureau of workers' compensation.
    Workers' Comp Abbreviation
    Specify the official abbreviation for the state or province, as determined by the workers' compensation authority.
    Workers' Comp State Code
    Specify the official numeric code for the state or province, as determined by the workers' compensation authority.
    Workers' Comp Jurisdiction Code
    Specify the official jurisdiction code for the state or province, if applicable, as determined by the workers' compensation authority.
  4. On the Workers' Compensation Authorities form, verify that the appropriate authorities are listed. If not, add them.
  5. On the Workers' Compensation Data Collection Organizations form, specify this information about all data collection organizations to which you must report workers' compensation claims. Data collection organizations, or DCOs, are usually specific to certain states, and can include insurers and state agencies.
    Authority ID
    Specify the authority to which the DCO reports.
    Data Collection OrganizationDescription
    Specify a short identifier for the organization that is collecting the data, and a longer description of the organization.
    Industry Classification
    Specify the NAICS industry classification, which defaults from the Tax Parameters form.
    Reporting Required
    Select this field if it is mandatory to report to this DCO. If this field is selected, the authority name is always shown on the Employee Injuries form.
  6. Specify contact information about each insurer on the Workers' Compensation Insurers form. An insurer is the company that holds the workers' compensation insurance policy for your company.
  7. On the Workers' Compensation Policies form, specify information about each workers' compensation insurance policy that your company carries.
  8. These forms contain predefined workers' compensation injury codes, as defined by IAIABC. If additional codes are required, add them on these forms.
    • Workers' Compensation Injury Groups
    • Workers' Compensation Injury Codes

    For more information, see Workers' Compensation Codes.

When an employee injury occurs, follow the steps in Reporting an Employee Injury for Workers' Compensation.