Processing Payroll

  1. Set the parameters on the Payroll Parameters form.
  2. Open the Payroll Processing form.
  3. Specify information in the fields.
  4. Select Actions > Save.
  5. Click Compute Payroll to process the payroll.
    Note: If the data is not saved first, the Payroll calculation may not be accurate.

Use the Pay tab to perform these functions:

  • Generate payroll transactions from both posted job transactions and records entered onto the Payroll Hours form.
  • Update and add payroll transactions via the Payroll Log Hours for Pay Period form.
  • Compute taxes, withholdings, deductions, net pay, and Medicare amounts for each payroll transaction based upon the Employees and Payroll Parameters forms.
  • Manually distribute the payroll to various wage accounts.
  • Print checks and check register.
  • Post payroll transactions to the Employees form, General Ledger Journal, and the Posted Payroll Transactions.

Use the Tax tab to view the wages and distributions calculated for the payroll transactions. If transactions are generated and the Compute Payroll option is executed, it is possible to view the computed distributions on this form before they are posted. However, it is not possible to update generated transactions.

Use the D & E tab to maintain both Permanent and Temporary Deductions and Earnings.

On the D & E tab, under the heading PERM D/E Codes, there are fields available to enter up to 15 permanent Deduction/Earning Codes and domestic currency amounts to be deducted or earned for this pay period. These fields cannot be updated for standard and vacation transactions. For standard and vacation transactions, the permanent D/E values are pulled the Employees form when Compute Payroll is executed.

On the D & E tab, under the heading Temp D/E Codes, there are fields available to enter up to three temporary Deduction/Earning Codes and domestic currency amounts to be deducted or earned for this pay period.