Calculating Vacation Hours

Use the H/R Vacation Calculation form to calculate the amount of vacation hours earned for the year for a specified range of employees.

You must add an Employee Vacation record for an employee before this utility can calculate vacation hours for the employee.

Specify the Years Service Date Basis (either the employee anniversary date or a fixed date, which is specified in the Fixed Date for Years Service field) to use in calculating vacation. The employee must have years of service equal to or greater than the Beginning Year on the Vacation Parameters form before that day/period value is used in the calculation.

If Paid Vacation is selected for an employee on the Employees form, then the utility uses the employee's Hire Date or Adjusted Hire Date, if applicable, to calculate vacation time.

If you have an employee who has left the company and you use the Vacation Calculation, the terminated employee's record will be skipped. The system assumes you would have calculated out any remaining vacation at the time the employee was terminated. However, when the Vacation Calculation is run, this employee's record will be counted in the final processed tally.

For example, employee 13 has been terminated. You run the Vacation Calculation for employees 1-25. Although employee 13 will be skipped, the success message at the end of the utility will note that 25 employees were successfully calculated.