Grouping sites

Do you need multiple groupings of sites for different multi-site users or functions?

Consider this information:

  • Site groups can be set up to combine data for sites performing related functions, for example, AR payment generation, inventory item availability, or subcomponent manufacturing. Sites in a group do not have to report to the same entity, but they must share the appropriate data through replication or shared tables.
  • You can define groups containing different combinations of sites. A site can be included in more than one site group.
  • On some activity, utility and report forms, you can select a site group, which allows you to process records for all sites in that group. If you want to process records only for the local site, you leave the site group field blank or, if the field is required, specify a group that contains just the local site.
  • You can specify default site groups to use on certain types of forms (for example, A/P activities). You can also specify, for a specific user, the default site group to display when that user opens the Item Availability form.
  • Site groups are used to determine which sites you can select when you copy records from one site to other sites in the Multi-Site Items, Multi-Site Customers, or Multi-Site Vendors forms.