Microsoft Excel add-in

With the SyteLine add-in for Microsoft Excel, you can retrieve and format SyteLine general ledger data from sites and entities into an Excel workbook to produce reports such as Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.

You can associate different Excel worksheets in a single workbook with different site databases. For example, you could have one worksheet associated with Site A and another worksheet associated with Site B. You can then have a third "consolidated" worksheet that pulls information from Site A and Site B.

You can specify a site group in the Site parameter of these functions, to consolidate financial data from the sites in the group:

  • SLGL

Specifying a home site

For on-premise environments: As part of the setup for the Excel Add-in, you specify a connection to an SyteLine database server and application (site) database. This site becomes the "home” site for this instance of Excel, and is the default site whenever you open an Excel workbook. The "master" or "home" site is also the source of connection information about other sites within the server.

For cloud environments: As part of the setup for the Excel and Outlook Add-ins, you must specify a connection to either the application database or to the IDO Web Service. In a cloud environment, you must use the IDO Web Service option. For the IDO Web Service connection, you must specify a Web Client URL or an End Point URL, or both. Infor provides these URLs in an email to you when your tenant is set up.

When a tenant is finished being created, the consumer will receive an email detailing a number of useful URLs. Both the End Point and Web Client URL values are provided.

Specifying a default site for a worksheet

The SyteLine toolbar in Excel includes a Site drop-down list. The list is populated with sites that meet the criteria mentioned below.

To associate different worksheets with different sites, select a site name from the drop-down list in the toolbar. Then right-click on the worksheet tab and select Associate Site(sitename). The worksheet stays associated with that site even when you select a different default site name in the toolbar.

Associating a site with a worksheet is helpful, because the tool bar value then changes automatically when you select each worksheet and make the worksheet active.

Specifying sites in formulas

In individual cells of a worksheet, formulas can specify the site from which the data is pulled. If a site parameter is specified in the formula, the site that is explicitly supplied by the parameter is always used. Any formulas in the worksheet that do not specify a site name assume that the data is pulled from the site specified in the toolbar.

The site value on the toolbar is initially set to the "home" site. The site value in the toolbar changes when a worksheet is activated that has a different site associated with it. You can change the site value in the toolbar to specify a site other than the worksheet's associated site, as long as it meets the criteria listed below.

In most cases, we recommend that you include the site name in all formulas, to provide clarity about which site the data comes from. The exception to this is for dynamic worksheets that you run against different sites.

Note that there is nothing in the extracted data that indicates which site it came from.

Associating sites with a worksheet or using sites in formulas

A workbook can display data from more than one SyteLine site, as long as these criteria are met:

  • The site must be on the same database server as the home site.
  • The site must be listed on the Sites/Entities form at the home site, and the Application Database field on that form must be filled in for the site.
  • The user is authorized to access data on the other sites.

Any sites that meet this criteria are displayed in the drop-down list on the toolbar.

Licensing and permissions

On-premise only: In order to use the IDO Web Service, users must be assigned an Automation license. Also, certain middleware authorizations must be assigned for the user on the Object Authorizations for User form.

For more information

For more information about the Excel add-in, see the Infor SyteLine Microsoft Office Integration User Guide.