Considerations: intranets

Consider this information:
  • On-premise: How are the sites physically connected? Generally all the sites on an SyteLine logical intranet should be on the same physical LAN/intranet, especially if you plan to use transactional replication. Although it may be possible to run transactional replication between sites on different SyteLine intranets, it is not recommended if the sites are connected by a slow or unreliable network connection.
  • On-premise: Will you have different versions of SyteLine running at different sites? (This is not typical.) If so, they must be on different intranets.
  • Cloud: There can be only one master site per intranet. For information about using master sites, see Sharing some data through master sites.
  • On-premise: Are you planning to use intranet licensing, where you enter and maintain licensing information at one master site for all sites on the intranet? This concept is explained in the Infor SyteLine Licensing Administration Guide for On-premises Customers.
  • Cloud: Will you have an external intranet, which allows integration, via replication, to applications other than those based on the Mongoose framework? Replication performed to a site on an external intranet must be non-transactional.
  • Cloud: Clients may be deployed to key customers or suppliers over the internet, allowing them access to specific system features. In this case, you probably should configure your web server components (and the URL for that server on the Intranets form) to use https instead of http, so that the data going over the internet is encrypted.
  • On-premise: Will you be pooling multiple application/web servers through a Configuration server? If so, we generally recommend that a Configuration server and all its pooled servers, and all the clients using that Configuration server, be on the same intranet in the same datacenter, for high-speed, high-reliability connectivity. However, it is possible to have two intranets in the same datacenter (for reasons of logical grouping) and use a single set of servers to make the configurations available to end users for sites on both intranets.

    For more information, see Configuration server.

  • Cloud: Are you planning to have multiple sites send and receive business object documents (BODs)?
  • On-premise: How will TaskMan be configured to monitor sites on an intranet, especially in a setup with multiple application/web servers? See TaskMan monitoring of sites.
  • On-premise: There can be only one replication queue listener defined per application/web server. For non-transactional replication, each intranet requires a replication queue listener. Therefore, if you have multiple intranets in your data center, you must have one application/web server for each intranet where the replication services are configured to monitor that intranet for non-transactional replication.
  • On-premise: If you have multiple sites in a single application database, and if the sites are sharing _all or user tables (through the Intranet Shared Tables or Intranet Shared User Tables utilities), then all sites in that database must be on the same intranet.