Maintaining customer, vendor or item data for other sites in the intranet

Special forms are available only at the master site that allow you to add and maintain some vendor, customer or item data for other sites on that intranet. This section shows examples for vendor data.

Vendor data includes the vendor_mst_all table/view (storing information that is not typically shared among sites), as well as the vendaddr_mst tables (storing information that is shared among all sites). The vendaddr_mst base table is replicated directly from the base table in the source site to the base table in the target site. In a master site scenario, vendor_mst_all is a view at the sharing sites (assuming that vendor_mst_all is set up as a shared table), but vendaddr_mst is an actual table that contains the same data at the master site and all sharing sites.

An example process to add and update vendor data between the master site and sharing sites is shown in this flow chart: