Invoice Builder category

Invoice Builder object name Used for
arinv_mst_all Invoices
artran_mst_all A/R transactions
AU_InvPostingSp Automotive Industry Pack posting
BGTaskSubmitSp Submit background task
coparms_mst_all Customer order parameters (includes invoice length, used in many A/R functions)
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
custaddr_mst Customer address
customer_mst_all Customers information
ExtFinAddBatchToBGQueueSp External financials
inv_hdr_mst_all Invoice header
inv_item_mst_all Invoice line item
inv_stax_mst_all Invoice sales tax
InvoiceBuilderCopySp Copy invoice
InvoiceBuilderReprintSp Reprint invoice
InvoicingBGSp Invoicing background task
InvPostingArinvdSnapShotSp Invoice posting - invoice/voucher distribution
InvPostingAutoDistSp Invoice posting - auto distribution
InvPostingCreateTTSp Invoice posting - create temp table
InvPostingLockJournSp Lock journal during invoice posting
InvPostingSp Invoice posting
InvPostingVerifyPrintSp Invoice posting
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system