Journal Builder category

Journal Builder object name Used for
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts - used throughout the system
chart_unitcd1_mst_all Unit code 1 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd2_mst_all Unit code 2 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd3_mst_all Unit code 3 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd4_mst_all Unit code 4 information on chart of accounts
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
JournalBuilderProcessSp Validation and processing of transactions listed in Journal Builder
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
unitcd1_mst_all Display unit code description
unitcd2_mst_all Display unit code description
unitcd3_mst_all Display unit code description
unitcd4_mst_all Display unit code description