Multi-Site Items category

Multi-Site Items object name Used for
aps_parm_mst_all APS parameters
attribute_group_mst_all Item attribute groups
attribute_value_mst_all Item attribute values
commodity_mst_all Commodity codes
country_mst_all Countries
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
distacct_mst_all Distribution accounts
famcode_mst_all Family codes
invparms_mst_all Inventory parameters
item_mst_all Item information - used throughout the system
ItemInsUpdSp Insert/update items
itemloc_mst_all Lot/locations
itempiece_mst_all Item pieces
itemwhse_mst_all Item/warehouses
job_mst_all Job information - used throughout the system
jobmatl_mst_all Job materials
jobroute_mst_all Job routings
location_mst_all Item locations
poparms_mst_all Purchase order parameters
prod_mix_mst_all Co-product mixes
prodcode_mst_all Product codes
reason_mst_all Reason codes
setupgroup_mst_all Setup groups
tax_free_import_item_mst_all Tax free import items
u_m_mst_all Unit of measures
whse_mst_all Warehouses