
In mobile forms where a user can view data from different sites, a Site drop-down list is displayed on the form. If the form's data comes from an _all table, no logging in and out of sites is needed. However, in the case of a customer address, the custaddr_mst table can be shared among multiple sites. When the table is shared, the Site list is populated with sites that are participants in the sharing. When the table is not shared then the list displays only the current site.

If the data must be accessed from separate site databases, then the user must select a configuration from the list and tap the Switch link to "switch sites." Behind the scenes, a URL is built that includes the name of the Web server, the new configuration, the current form, and the user's name. A login screen to the other site is displayed. If you want the switch to be seamless, without requiring the user to enter a password, then set up the user with a workstation login in that site.

The use of the Switch Sites feature assumes that all of your sites use the same web client on the same web server.