Centralized Order Entry category

COE object name Used for
arparms_mst_all Accounts receivable parameters
cfg_attr_mst_all Attributes in a configuration
cfg_comp_mst_all Components in a configuration
cfg_main_mst_all Configuration description
cfg_ref_mst_all Configuration reference type information
CfgCheckRemoteXref Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping from a different site than the order site.
CfgClearRemoteXref Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping from a different site than the order site.
CfgCreateItemSp Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping from a different site than the order site.
CfgRepRemoteConfig Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping from a different site than the order site.
CfgRepRemoteItemSp Used in processing configured order lines to set the item and configuration in the order site.
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts - used throughout the system
ChgRemoteCoitemSp Change the status in the shipping site (if not currently in the shipping site)
citemh_mst_all History customer order line/release
co_bln_mst_all Blanket orders
co_mst_all Customer orders
co_ship_approval_log_mst_all Customer order shipment approval
co_ship_mst_all Customer order shipments
CoChangeToHistSp Change customer order status
coh_mst_all History customer orders
CohShipSiteDelSp Delete customer order history at shipping site
coitem_log_mst_all Only used by the Item Product Code Cost Detail Sales Analysis Report.
coitem_mst_all Customer order lines
CoitemSp Replicate CO line (multi-site)
CoLineRelWarehouseChangeRemote1Sp Change the warehouse on the customer order line in the shipping site
CoLineRelWarehouseChangeRemote2Sp Change the warehouse on the customer order line in the originating site
coparms_mst_all Order entry parameters
CopyNotesFromOrigSiteSp Copy notes from original site
country_mst Countries (local site)
country_mst_all Countries (includes remote sites)
CpSoCpSoCb2Sp Recopy columns back to the originating site when updated on the ship-site for blanket lines
CpSoCpSoCbSp Copy a blanket line to the ship-site and perform secondary posting
CpSoCpSoCi2Sp Recopy columns back to the originating site when updated on the ship-site for regular lines.
CpSoCpSoCiSp Copy a customer order line to the ship-site and perform secondary posting
CpSoCpSoDbSp Delete a blanket line to be replaced due to copying
CpSoCpSoDiSp Delete a customer order line to be replaced due to copying
CpSoCpSoDoSp Delete a ship-site customer order that no longer has any lines
CpSoCpSoSoSp Sum the order balance at the ship-site for setting the customer order balance
CrtLogSp Create a customer order line Change Log record for each blanket release of a blanket line
curr_uk_mst_all Customs and excise exchange rates
CurrAcctSp Create a curracct row in the remote site for the currency row just added in the local site. (The record is created but account information is not replicated.)
currate_mst_all Currency rates - used throughout the system
currency_mst Currency codes
currency_mst_all Currency codes (includes remote sites)
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
cust_lcr_mst_all Customer letters of credit
custaddr_mst Customer addresses
customer_mst_all Customers
DelCoBlnSp Delete specified blanket order line
DeleteCoitemSp Delete specified customer order line
DeleteCoSp Delete the customer order from remote (ship) sites
DeleteRemoteNotesSp Delete notes tied to a record at a remote site
euro_parms_mst_all Euro parameters - used throughout the system
featqty_mst_all Feature option adjustment. Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
featrank_mst_all Feature rank
feature_mst_all Feature group. Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
inv_hdr_mst_all Invoice header
inv_item_mst_all Invoice line item
inv_stax_mst_all Invoice sales tax
InvAdjCSp When posting an invoice adjustment, this updates the discount and price on the customer order line (potentially cross-site)
item_glbl Global Items
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
ItemCreateFromFeatStrSp Create item from feature string
itemcust_mst_all Customer/item cross reference
itemcustprice_mst_all Historical customer item pricing
ItemGlblAddDelSp Add or delete a global item
itemloc_mst_all Item stockroom location
ItemlogSp Create a coitem-log record.
itemprice_mst_all Item price
itemwhse_mst_all Item warehouse
job_mst_all Jobs
LoadReplicatedNotesSp Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and updates the matching system, user, or specific note. If the note does not exist, it is created.
location_mst_all Location codes
lot_mst_all Lots - used throughout the system
MakeRemoteObjectNotesSp Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumes the system, user, or specific notes records have already been created.
NotesContentShadow System, user, or specific note information used to populate the appropriate notes record at the remote site.
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
periods_mst_all Accounting periods - used in many financial areas
pricecode_mst_all Price codes
priceformula_mst_all Price formulas
pricematrix_mst_all Price matrix
proj_inv_item_mst_all Project bill of lading line item
RebalCuSp Rebalance customer balances
RemoteCoHld4Sp As part of the process to take orders off of credit hold, this changes the credit hold information for each customer order in the range and then calls RemoteCoHld5Sp.
RemoteCoHld5Sp As part of the process to take orders off of credit hold, this changes the information in the shipping site.
RemoteOrderCreditHoldSp Put orders on credit hold in each site listed in the site group.
RemoteSetArtranCorpCustSp Corporate customers in A/R transactions
RepApsCoitemSp Called after the planner completes to replicate CO Line projected dates to the originating sites
RepCoBlnSp Replicate blanket order.
RepCoCreditHoldSp Replicate credit hold information.
RepCoitemSp Replicate customer order line (multi-site).
RepCoSp Replicate customer order (multi-site).
RepCustomerBillToSp Replicate information for the Bill-To customer (customer sequence = 0). This is called when replicating a customer order to conditionally create the customer record.
RepCustomerShipToSp Replicate information for the Ship-To customer (customer sequence > 0). This is called when replicating a customer order to conditionally create the customer record.
slsman_mst_all Salespersons
SumCoSp Recalculate taxes on a customer order and assign the total price
tax_item_jur_mst_all Item tax code
tax_jur_mst_all Tax jurisdiction
transfer_mst_all Transfer orders
TransferNotesToSiteSp Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copied to a remote site.
u_m_conv_mst_all Units of measure
u_m_mst_all Unit of measure conversions
UpdObalSp Update customer order balance