Configuration groups

When users start Infor SyteLine, they are presented with a list of configuration names to select from. By default, this is a list of all the configurations that are defined on the Configuration Server. However, you may want to restrict the list of configuration names that users see to a subset of the defined configurations. For example, you could hide test, pilot or other configurations from users who should not access them.

You set up configuration groups, and specify the configurations that are members of each group, through the Configuration Manager utility. Then, when setting up clients, you can specify a group name as part of the connection information:

  • If a client is using WinStudio on a web server with no -s command line option, you can specify the configuration group using the -gconfig-group command line option. For example: WinStudio.exe -gAcme
  • If a client is connecting to the Configuration Server using http, the configuration group can be specified as a query parameter in the URL. For example: http://slutil/IDORequestService/ConfigServer.aspx?ConfigGroup=Acme
  • If you are using XML to connect, you can specify the configuration group name as part of the GetConfigurations IDO request. For example:
    <RequestHeader Type="GetConfigurations" ConfigGroup="Acme"/> 