Adding configuration names and groups to a spreadsheet

On the Sites/Entities form, you will specify a default Configuration Name for the site. You must create a configuration with this name, which will be mapped to this site record. This is the recommended method.

Alternatively, if you leave this field blank, you must create a configuration whose name exactly matches the local site name, including the capitalization. For example, if your local site name is oh, you must create a configuration named oh. You can use the Copy feature of the Configuration Manager utility to create this configuration. We do not recommend this alternate method, because it is error-prone.

You might require multiple configurations, with different names, for one site .This is not recommended, because multiple configuration names for the same site can cause confusion.

If you plan to have only one client configuration for each site, then add the configuration name to the SiteEntity spreadsheet.

However, if you will have multiple configurations for the same site, create a new Configurations spreadsheet that contains this information:

  • Configuration Name
  • Configuration Group(s) to which it belongs
  • Site
  • Application Database
  • Forms Database
  • Objects Database
  • Server