A/R category

A/R object name Used for
ar_terms_due_mst_all A/R multiple due date payment terms
ARActiveSp Setting Active flag for A/R transactions
arparms_mst_all Accounts receivable parameters
ARPaymentDistPostingSp A/R payment distribution posting
ARPayPostRemoteCopyNotesSp A/R payment posting - copy notes
ArpmtpblSp Validate customer number during A/R payment posting
ArSitpmtp2Sp Find invoice information from a specified site and apply an open credit/payment to an invoice during quick payment
artran_mst_all Accounts receivable transactions
ArtranUpdSp When information is updated on the A/R Posted Transaction Detail form, this is called to update the information on the referenced site.
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts - used throughout the system
chart_unitcd1_mst_all Unit code - chart of accounts
chart_unitcd2_mst_all Unit code - chart of accounts
chart_unitcd3_mst_all Unit code - chart of accounts
chart_unitcd4_mst_all Unit code - chart of accounts
coparms_mst_all Customer order parameters (includes invoice length, used in many A/R functions)
country_mst_all Country codes - used throughout the system
CreateArInvSp Create an (unposted) A/R invoice using information passed to it from ReturnedChecksSp.
curr_uk_mst_all Customs and excise exchange rates
curracct_mst_all Default currency accounts - used in Currency Codes, A/P and A/R payment, distribution, and quick payments
currate_mst_all Currency rates - used throughout the system
currency_mst_all Currency codes - used throughout the system
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
cust_lcr_mst_all Customer letters of credit
custaddr_mst Customer address
custdrft_mst_all Customer draft
customer_mst_all Customers information
custtype_mst_all Customer types
DeleteRemoteNotesSp Delete notes tied to a record at a remote site
endtype_mst_all End user types
euro_parms_mst_all Euro parameters - used throughout the system
inv_category_mst_all Invoice category
inv_hdr_mst_all Invoice header
inv_item_mst_all Invoice line item
inv_stax_mst_all Invoice sales tax
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
LoadReplicatedNotesSp Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and updates the matching system, user, or specific note. If the note does not exist, it is created.
MakeRemoteObjectNotesSp Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumes the system, user, or specific notes records have already been created.
MXVATARMultiSiteTransDirSp Mexican localization
NotesContentShadow System, user, or specific note information used to populate the appropriate notes record at the remote site.
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
periods_mst_all Accounting periods - used in many financial areas
RebalCuSp Rebalance customer balances
RemoteSetArtranCorpCustSp Corporate customer for A/R transactions
sales_team_mst_all Sales team
territory_mst_all Sales territory
TransferNotesToSiteSp Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copied to a remote site.
unitcd1_mst_all Unit code
unitcd2_mst_all Unit code
unitcd3_mst_all Unit code
unitcd4_mst_all Unit code
UpdObalSp Update customer order balance
UpdPbalSp Update posted balance