Warehouse default values

Many of the forms where you can select a warehouse use a default warehouse setting. In all cases, you can override this default setting by selecting a different warehouse.

The values for the default warehouse settings on different SyteLine forms come from various places. The About Warehouses help topic explains where the various default warehouse values are set up.

About the current warehouse

Many forms take as their default value the warehouse that the system recognizes as the "current warehouse," which can change on a per-user, per-session basis. When the system designates the current warehouse," it uses these rules:

  • When you log in, the system designates the warehouse from the your profile as the current warehouse for that session. This setting is defined in the Whse field on the Users form.
  • If that field is blank, the system uses the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form.
  • At any point after logging in, you can change the current warehouse setting in the Change Warehouse form.
Note: This current warehouse setting is valid only on a user-session basis. That is, the current warehouse setting can be different for each user logged in to the system. This setting is only in effect as long as you are logged in. After you log out, the setting reverts to your default user setting, if any.

Setting warehouse defaults manually

There are several ways to manually change warehouse default settings:

  • Change the system default warehouse using the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form.
  • Change a user's default current warehouse setting using the Whse field on the Users form. See the About the Current Warehouse help topic.
  • As a user, change the current warehouse setting for your current session using the Change Warehouse form. See the About the Current Warehouse help topic.
  • Change the default warehouse for a range of customers using the Set Default Warehouse form.
  • Change the default warehouse for a range of vendors using the Set Default Warehouse form.
  • Change the default warehouse for a range of users using the Set Default Warehouse form.