Manufacturing considerations

Manufacturing considerations include job, production schedule, and material resource planning questions.

Job and Production Schedule:

Job/PS questions +/- Multi-site +/- Single site with multi-warehouse
Do job operations extend across warehouses or sites? = Multi-site does not support the planning of production across sites. All operations must be only for the local site. All outside production must be treated as an outside purchase in logic with different item numbers. Multi-site supports the copy of current and single level BOMs across sites. = One warehouse per site is designated for production; any additional warehouses are designated for storing inventory. This is also true for multi-site with multiple warehouses per site.
Are capacity and manufacturing schedules viewed across warehouses or sites? = Multi-site does not support the scheduling of production across sites. All outside production must be treated as an outside purchase in logic with different item numbers. = One warehouse per site is designated for production; any additional warehouses are designated for storing inventory. This is also true for multi-site with multiple warehouses per site.
Do you make the same item at different plants using different processes? + If your item run-times or routings are different at different manufacturing sites, you probably need a multi-site system. - In a single current site, you can have only one routing and BOM for an item. (However, jobs can have different routings/BOMs for the same item.)


MRP questions +/- Multi-site +/- Single site with multi-warehouse
Is centralized planning required? - Multi-site through the use of linked MRP allows demands to be pushed to other sites. There is no other method to consolidate material requirements. Planned orders can only be performed at the local level, not across sites. + Supported via a single site.
Do different areas have different planning and scheduling requirements? + Planning and scheduling are done per site. - Not supported.