Deciding whether you need multi-site

Use the background information to determine whether your company needs a multi-site system.

  1. When you read the questions in the tables, write a "weight factor" from 0 (not important to your company) to 5 (very important) next to each question. Also, write down whether your answer to the question indicates the need for multi-site or single-site. If neutral, write "neutral."
  2. When you have completed all the questions, add up your scores for multi-site vs. single-site. This score should give you some insight about which setup is best for your company.
  3. Read the background information on warehouses to better understand how they are used in SyteLine.
  4. If you decide that you need a multi-site system, then continue with the next chapter.

    If a single-site, multi-warehouse setup will meet your needs, you are finished with the evaluation process, and you can skip the rest of this guide.