
Customer, Vendor and Reseller Portal Web pages can connect to multiple sites, to display and update data from those sites. Portals have a primary site, where key data such as items and item categories is maintained by SyteLine users. Some data is obtained strictly from the primary site; other data comes from all sites.

These methods of retrieving and maintaining data to or from multiple sites are used:

  • Use a multiplex data source, known as a portal site group, to retrieve or save data simultaneously to or from all sites tied to the portal, or to execute a method simultaneously in each site.
  • Use RemoteMethodCall to affect or retrieve data to or from multiple sites.
  • Use SyteLine _all tables to obtain multi-site data by connecting to a single site.

Define portal data source configurations through the Portal Manager, to include databases for each site in the portal site group:

  • One of the data sources must be named PrimarySite, which points to the single SyteLine database where all portal-enabled items and item category hierarchies must be defined. Other data must also be maintained in this primary site.
  • One of the data sources must be named PortalSiteGroup. This data source must include the primary site and all other sites that the portal can access. The PortalSiteGroup is the default data source.
  • If there is only one site in the portal site group, both the primary site and portal site group data sources must be defined and must point to the same site.
  • If one of the sites to be exposed to the portal is a master site, then usually the portal site group must be a site group in which the master site is included.

    In this case, we recommend that the primary site of the portal be the same as the master site, although this is not required. If you make them the same site, you can use the Multi-Site Items, Multi-Site Customers, and Multi-Site Vendors forms in the master site (primary site) to maintain data across the other sites in the intranet. A master site user can then copy items from the non-master sites to the master site, which is useful because all portal-exposed items must be listed in the primary site’s item_mst table.

  • If a master site exists, and users are shared through the Intranet Shared User Tables form, then the primary site must be the master site, in most cases.

    Note: For on-premise environments: If you use the master site for user and license records but not for transactions, then the portal primary site may be a site other than the master site. Also, as long as users are shared through the Intranet Shared User Tables form, the master site does not have to be included in the portal site group. When users are added from the portal, they are automatically added to the master site and assigned a portal license.
    Note: For cloud environments: If you use the master site for user records but not for transactions, then the portal primary site may be a site other than the master site. Also, as long as users are shared through the Intranet Shared User Tables form, the master site does not have to be included in the portal site group. When users are added from the portal, they are automatically added to the master site.

In the Site Groups form, define a group that is assigned to the portal. This group is identified as the portal site group in the Portal Parameters form. This group must include all sites that contain information that is displayed in the Customer Portal or Vendor Portal.

Replication rules

All sites in the portal site group must be linked and replicated using standard replication rules. For the Vendor Portal, the A/P and Vendor Portal replication categories must be replicated across all sites in the Vendor Portal site group. For the Customer Portal and Reseller Portal, the A/R, Centralized Order Entry, and Customer Portal replication categories must be replicated across all sites in the Customer Portal site group.

Accounts Receivable

If you plan to use the Customer Portal in a multi-site setup, define the aging bucket in the SyteLine Accounts Receivable Parameters form the same way in all sites included in the Customer Portal site group.

If the Customer Portal site group contains a different set of sites than the Accounts Receivable site group, the customers’ account balance data will not equal the balance shown in the SyteLine Accounts Receivable Transactions Summary form, and might not represent the actual aging information.


If you plan to use the Customer Portal in a multi-site setup, all customer records must use consistent customer numbers across sites, that is, Customer 1 in site A must be the same as Customer 1 in site B.


When SyteLine users subscribe to interaction alerts, they must subscribe to the alert in the site where they are responsible. If SyteLine users also want to be notified of interactions created from the portal that do not reference a specific object, they must also subscribe to the alert in the primary site. Portal users who subscribe to an interaction alert are subscribed to that publication in all sites.

The same set of interaction topics must be defined in each site of the Customer Portal site group. Interactions topic translation must be the same across all sites that belong to a portal site group, for Customer Portal, Reseller Portal and Vendor Portal.


A customer can be associated with only one reseller across all sites in the portal site group. A customer is either associated with a reseller or is not associated. This must be true across all sites and Ship To records. Salesperson IDs used for reseller association must reference the same vendor number across sites.


If you plan to use the Vendor Portal in a multi-site setup, all vendor records must use consistent vendor numbers across sites, that is, Vendor 1 in site A must be the same as Vendor 1 in site B. If a vendor is not defined in any site, then no data for that site is displayed for the logged-in vendor.


The sites from which information is displayed to portal users depend on the type of login, the type of portal, and the specific portal page.

For example, on the portal pricing pages, B2B customers can see pricing for the item at all sites connected to their primary site, but B2C customers and pre-login customers can only see pricing for the item at their default site.

The user account must exist in all the sites of the Portal Site group. If the portals connect to multiple sites and the user account is missing in any of these sites, access is denied on login.