Inventory/Transfers category

Inv/Transfer object name Used for
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts - used throughout the system
chart_unitcd1_mst_all Unit code 1 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd2_mst_all Unit code 2 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd3_mst_all Unit code 3 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd4_mst_all Unit code 4 information on chart of accounts
ChkSnSp Validate serial numbers (matching item/has an available status)
CLM_TransferOrderShpRcvSp Transfer order ship/receive
country_mst_all Countries
CpTSp Copy transfer orders and lines
curr_uk_mst_all Customs and excise exchange rates
currate_mst_all Currency rates - used throughout the system
currency_mst_all Currency codes (local) - used throughout the system
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
dcparm_mst_all Data Collection parameters
del_term_mst_all Delivery Terms
DeleteRemoteNotesSp Delete notes tied to a record at a remote site
euro_parms_mst_all Euro parameters - used throughout the system
featqty_mst_all Feature option adjustment. Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
feature_mst_all Feature group. Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
GetTransferToSiteRecordDateSp Record date for transfer to site
IaPostSp Issues material and adjusts quantity-on-hand at a warehouse, location, and lot.
InsertOverrideForItemLotAttrSp Item lot attributes
InsertOverrideForItemPiecesSp Item pieces
intranet Intranets
invparms_mst_all Inventory parameters
item_glbl Global Items
item_manufacturer_item_mst_all Cross-reference of SyteLine item to manufacturer item
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
ItemGlblAddDelSp Add or delete a global item
itemloc_mst_all Item stockroom location
ItemLocAddRemoteSp Performs either a local or a remote call for the ItemLocAddSp routine (which creates itemloc records)
itemprice_mst_all Item price
itemwhse_mst_all Item warehouse
jobmatl_mst_all Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
jobroute_mst_all Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.
LcrcptSp Create a Landed Cost receipt record.
LoadReplicatedNotesSp Replicated notes
location_mst_all Location codes
lot_loc_mst_all Item Lot Location - used throughout the system
lot_mst_all Lots - used throughout the system
LotAddRemoteSp Called at a remote site from the local site's LotAddSp routine when the lot being added goes to a remote site.
MakeRemoteObjectNotesSp Object notes
manufacturer_item_mst_all Manufacturer items
manufacturer_mst_all Manufacturers of items
matltrack_mst_all Lot and serial number tracking
mcal_mst_all Manufacturing days
MsmpTSp Process transfer orders in multi-site move posting
NotesContentShadow Notes
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
periods_mst_all Accounting periods - used in many financial areas
pricecode_mst_all Price codes
priceformula_mst_all Price formulas
pricematrix_mst_all Price matrix
prodcode_mst_all Product codes
qualify_mst_all Feature qualifying string
RemoteLoadTmpSerSp Copy the tmp_ser serial number information to a remote site.
RepAPSTrnItemSp Replicate APS item
rsvd_inv_mst_all Reservation - used in many areas of the system
serial_mst_all Serial numbers - used in many areas of the system
shipcode_mst_all Ship codes
site Sites/entities - used throughout the system
system_type System types
trans_nature_2_mst_all Nature of transaction codes
trans_nature_mst_all Secondary nature of transaction codes
TransCpSp Copy Transfer Order record changes to a remote site. If the sites have different base currencies, the freight, duty, insurance, local freight and brokerage amounts are converted to the other site's currency during the copy process.
TransDeleteSp Delete a transfer order.
transfer_mst_all Transfer orders
TransferNotesToSiteSp Include transfer order notes
TransferOrderShipSp Transfer order ship
TritemDeleteSp Delete a transfer order line item.
TritmCpSp Copy Transfer Order item record changes to a remote site. If the sites have differenct base currencies, the costs and price are converted o the "other" site's currency during the copy process.
TrnSsdSp Copy Transfer Order SSD information to a remote site.
Trpurge1Sp Delete Transfer Orders and related records from remote sites
u_m_conv_mst_all Unit of measure conversion
u_m_mst_all Unit of measure codes (all sites)
unitcd1_mst_all Unit Code 1
unitcd2_mst_all Unit Code 2
unitcd3_mst_all Unit Code 3
unitcd4_mst_all Unit Code 4
UpdateOverrideForItemPiecesSp Item pieces
UpdateTransferExchRateSp Update transfer order exchange rate
UpdWhseSp Update warehouse information - used in Combine Transfer Order Ship/Receive
whse_mst_all Warehouses