G/L category

G/L object name Used for
ana_ledger_mst_all Analytical ledger transactions
ana_pertot_mst_all Analytical ledger period total
ChangeReportsToCopyChartSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToCopyPeriodSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToCSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToDelPeriodsSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToPSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToSetCurrCodeSp Changes for reporting to different entity
ChangeReportsToZSp Changes for reporting to different entity
chart_bp_mst_all Budget and plans
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts - used throughout the system
chart_unitcd1_mst_all Unit code 1 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd2_mst_all Unit code 2 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd3_mst_all Unit code 3 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd4_mst_all Unit code 4 information on chart of accounts
ChartAcctRemoteSp Replicate changes to chart of accounts to remote sites
curr_uk_mst_all Customs and excise exchange rates
currate_mst_all Currency rates - used throughout the system
currency_mst_all Currency codes (local) - used throughout the system
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
DeleteRemoteNotesSp Delete notes tied to a record at a remote site
euro_parms_mst_all Euro parameters - used throughout the system
FinRptLinRmtSiteTransSp Transfer line to remote site
FinRptXMLBufCopySp Called from Financial Report Line Copy to create the complete Financial Statement in the destination site.
GLBudgetCommitSp Commits budget by moving tmp_chart_bp_entity to chart_bp; adds unit codes if they don't exist.
GLBudgetConsChartBpUpdateSp Used in budget consolidation
GlBudgetDelChartbpSp Delete hierarchy from chart_bp
glrptl_mst_all G/L report line
journal_mst_all Only used by the Journal Transaction Report. If you do not need to see Journal records from another site, this is not needed.
ledger_mst_all Ledger transactions
LedgerConsolCommitSp Add new transaction records into the entity ledger (for ledger consolidation). Also insert records into unitcd{1-4} tables based upon unit codes within ledger rows that are consolidated.
LedgerConsolConsolCtaSp Update the CTA account (for ledger consolidation)
LedgerConsolCtaAdjSp Adjust the CTA amount (for ledger consolidation)
LedgerConsolLedgerSp Intermediate step in ledger consolidation
LoadReplicatedNotesSp Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and updates the matching system, user, or specific note. If the note does not exist, it is created.
MakeRemoteObjectNotesSp Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumes the system, user, or specific notes records have already been created.
NotesContentShadow System, user, or specific note information used to populate the appropriate notes record at the remote site.
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
per_sort_mst_all Period total sort method
per_unit_mst_all Unit code combination
periods_mst_all Accounting periods - used in many financial areas
PeriodsRemoteDeleteSp Delete accounting periods for a fiscal year
PeriodsRemoteSaveSp Add or update accounting periods for a site
pertot_mst_all Period total
RepChartSp Multi-site chart copy
site_hierarchy Site hierarchy
tmp_fin_rpt_hdr_c_xml Financial report line copy/update
tmp_fin_rpt_hdr_xml Financial report line copy/update
tmp_fin_rpt_lin_c_xml Financial report line copy/update
tmp_fin_rpt_lin_s_xml Financial report line copy/update
tmp_fin_rpt_lin_xml Financial report line copy/update
TransferNotesToSiteSp Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copied to a remote site.
unitcd1_mst_all Unit Code 1
unitcd2_mst_all Unit Code 2
unitcd3_mst_all Unit Code 3
unitcd4_mst_all Unit Code 4