Replicating Invoice Builder data

If you plan to use the Invoice Builder form to create invoices at other sites, set up these replication rules for the Invoice Builder category:

  • From the site running the Invoice Builder to remote sites into which invoices will be inserted. This allows the creation of the invoices in the remote sites.
  • From the remote sites to the Invoice Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all table data for validations performed on the Invoice Builder form.

In the Customer Order Lines and Customer Order Blanket Lines forms, users can specify a ship site. The item is shipped from this site even if the order is created at another site. Normally, the invoice is created at the ship site. For example, an order is created at the OH site, with two lines for Item X and Item Y. For item X, the ship site is OH, and for Item Y, the ship site is IN. The invoice for Item X is created in the OH site, and the invoice for Item Y is created in the IN site. However, if you have Invoice Builder replication set up, invoice creation and posting can all be done at the OH site, through the Multi-Site Invoice Posting form.

If you use the Invoice Builder, be aware of these requirements:

  • In the target sites and the site where the Invoice Builder is being run, this information must match: base (domestic) currency, currency and quantity formats, cost/price formats, tax systems, and terms code tables.
  • The same customers, customer addresses, and customer currency must be used at the Invoice Builder site and at the target sites.