Multi-Site Customers category

Multi-Site Customers object name Used for
bank_hdr_mst_all Bank information
country_mst Countries - used throughout the system
currency_mst Currency codes - used throughout the system
currparms_mst_all Currency parameters
customer_mst Customers
CustomerInsUpdSp Insert/update customers
CustShipToInsUpdSp Insert/update customer ship-tos
del_term_mst_all Delivery terms
endtype_mst_all End user type (sales accounts)
inv_category_mst_all Invoice categories
pricecode_mst_all Price codes
reason_mst_all Reason codes
sales_team_mst_all Sales teams
shipcode_mst_all Ship codes
terms_mst_all Billing terms
territory_mst_all Sales territories
trans_nature_2_mst_all Secondary NOTC codes
trans_nature_mst_all NOTC codes