Purchase Order Builder category

PO Builder object name Used for
apparms_mst_all Accounts payable parameters - used in A/P payment distribution and generation
bank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst_all Bank header bank file format information
BuilderPOUpdateSp In print site, update temp table with PO data from remote sites, to create Builder PO Report
chart_mst_all Chart of accounts (replicates only to child sites) - used throughout the system
chart_unitcd1_mst_all Unit code 1 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd2_mst_all Unit code 2 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd3_mst_all Unit code 3 information on chart of accounts
chart_unitcd4_mst_all Unit code 4 information on chart of accounts
currency_mst_all Currency codes (local) - used throughout the system
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
ExecuteSQLSp Loads PLN data from other site
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
po_bln_mst_all Purchase orders
po_mst_all Blanket purchase orders
POBuilderCopySp Copy temp table data from Builder PO site to target sites
POBuilderCreateSp Create PO in target site
poitem_mst_all Purchase order lines
shipcode_mst_all Shipping codes
shipto_mst_all Ship To information
u_m_conv_mst_all Unit of measure codes (all sites)
u_m_mst_all Unit of measure conversion
unitcd1_mst_all Unit code description
unitcd2_mst_all Unit code description
unitcd3_mst_all Unit code description
unitcd4_mst_all Unit code description
vendcat_mst_all Vendor categories
vendor_mst_all Vendor information - used throughout the system
whse_mst_all Warehouses