PO - CO - Across Sites category

PO-CO object name Used for
cfg_main_mst_all Configuration details
co_bln_mst_all Customer orders
co_mst_all Blanket orders
coitem_mst_all Customer order lines
country_mst_all Countries
currency_mst_all General currency parameters
cust_lcr_mst_all Customer letters of credit
custaddr_mst Customer addresses
customer_mst_all Customers
del_term_mst_all Delivery terms
DemandingPoCoUnlinkSp Unlink the Source Site to remove the PO-CO relationship.
DemandingPoSourceCoSyncSp From the Demanding Site to the Source Site, generate and sync the Source Site CO based on changes to the Demanding Site’s PO.
itemwhse_mst_all Item warehouse
MakeRemoteObjectNotesCrossTableSp Transfer demand PO line notes to source site customer order line
matltran_mst_all Material transactions
parms_mst_all General parameters
po_bln_mst_all Purchase orders
po_mst_all Blanket purchase orders
poitem_mst_all Purchase order lines
preassigned_lot_mst_all Preassigned lots
serial_mst_all Serial numbers
slsman_mst_all Salespersons
SyncCoFromPoSp Synchronize customer order from purchase order
UpdateCoNumonDemandingPoSp On shipping of the CO, update the PO based on flag settings
vendor_mst_all Vendors