Voucher Builder category

Voucher Builder object name Used for
aptrx_mst_all A/P transactions
aptrxp_mst_all A/P posted transactions - used in many A/P areas
currparms_mst_all General currency parameters
item_mst_all Items - used throughout the system
lc_rcpt_mst_all Landed cost receipts
ManualVoucherBuilderProcessSp Manual voucher builder
parms_mst_all General parameters - used throughout the system
po_mst_all Purchase orders
po_rcpt_mst_all Purchase order receipts
po_vch_mst_all Purchase order voucher log
poitem_mst_all Purchase order lines
poparms_mst_all Purchase order parameters
tax_system_mst_all Tax systems - used in A/P payment generation and A/P check/draft/wire/EFT printing/posting
trans_nature_2_mst_all Nature of transaction codes
trans_nature_mst_all Secondary nature of transaction codes
u_m_conv_mst_all Unit of measure codes (all sites)
u_m_mst_all Unit of measure conversion
vch_hdr_mst_all Voucher register
vendaddr_mst Vendor addresses
vendor_mst_all Vendor information - used throughout the system
VoucherBuilderCopySp Copy selected tmp_voucher_builder rows from Builder Voucher originating site to target site
VoucherBuilderCreateVoucherSp Runs in the site where voucher or an adjustment needs to be created. Performs validations based on target site's data, calls procedures to calculate taxes based on target site's tax codes, and calls procedures to create one un-posted voucher, voucher distributions including tax distributions, and voucher register rows.