Accounts payable


Accounts receivable


Advanced Planning System, which generates real-time projections of when you can complete orders by comparing all demands (such as customer orders) against a long-term plan. The system views the current status of inventory levels, forecasts, job schedules, PO due dates, customer orders, etc. and creates planned orders accordingly to satisfy the demands. You then "firm" the planned orders into purchase orders, purchase requisitions, job orders, production schedules, or transfer orders.

Asynchronous replication

Another term sometimes used for non-transactional replication.


Available to Promise function of APS.


Business Object Document, an XML document standard defined by Open Applications Group Integration Specifications (OAGIS). This type of document is used when interfacing with many other Infor applications.


Bill of Material, which is a listing of all the subassemblies, intermediates, parts, and raw materials that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly.


Customer order


Infor performance management solution providing a closed loop between strategy, planning, budgeting, financial reporting and analysis. CPM interfaces with SyteLine and also with Infor financial management solutions.


Product configuration application that interfaces with SyteLine. Formerly known as BuyDesign or PCM.


Capable to Promise function of APS

Data collection

Collection of data through handheld devices or barcode readers.


Infor enterprise asset management application that interfaces with SyteLine.


Electronic Data Interchange, which allows companies to exchange transaction data through data files in an ANSI standard format. SyteLine is integrated with an EDI translator. SyteLine imports inbound transactions from the translator and exports outbound transactions to the translator.


A level of business operation with a complete set of financial statements, its own defined currency code and rates, and its own chart of accounts and accounting periods. An entity does not allow for business activity aside from period, chart, and currency maintenance and the reporting of its consolidated ledger and budgets. See Entities.


Free On Board. The site designated as the FOB point controls much of the SyteLine costing functionality. In the Transfer Order system, you can identify the FOB point as either the Ship Site or the Receive Site. You must specify the FOB point for all inter-company movements.


In the SyteLine user interface, the equivalent of a screen or a window.


General ledger


In SyteLine, represents a logical grouping of sites in your enterprise. An intranet may represent a grouping of SyteLine sites that exist together on a high-speed network, and for which you want common administration. (Common administration can include replication, or creation of master sites.) An intranet may also represent an external non-SyteLine system, allowing you to set up replication rules between SyteLine sites and external systems.

Landed cost

Includes freight, duty, brokerage, insurance, and local freight on purchase orders, transfer orders, or goods receiving notes.

License module

Tracks user access to certain specified functionality within SyteLine, for auditing purposes. You purchase specific license modules based on your company's needs.

For example, if your company is planning to use APS, you would purchase the AdvancePlanningScheduling license module.

Lot-tracked item

Item that is marked as being in a specific lot, which is a quantity produced together and sharing the same production costs and resulting specifications.

Master site

SyteLine site that controls some data for all other sites on an intranet. For example, master sites are used with the Multi-Site Shared Tables feature.


Material Requirements Planning, which plans requirements in order by the lowest level in which the item appears in a bill of material. That is, it plans all end items first, then all items at the next level, and so on, backward planning each requirement from the requirement's needed date to the item's lead time, batching together requirements needed at the same period of time.

Multi-site table

A database table that includes a site_ref column. Records for various sites are stored in the table, and the value of the site_ref column determines which site the record belongs in.

Non-transactional replication

Uses inbound/outbound queues and XML documents to replicate content (data) or to pass application calls (RPCs). Non-transactional replication can occur at any of these intervals: Immediate (which means updates go directly into the replication queue), or at a set number of minutes, hours, or days. Once the data is in the queue, it will be processed by the Replication service when the specified time interval has elapsed.


Infor product lifecycle management application that interfaces with SyteLine


Purchase order

PortalSiteGroup data source

The multiplex data source that includes all SyteLine sites that are included in the portal group of sites.

PrimarySite data source

For Customer Portal and Vendor Portal, the data source that points to a site in the portal site group. This site is the default data source, where all items and item categories, and certain other data, are maintained.

Pro forma invoice

A document that verifies the value of goods, when the goods cross borders. The value of goods is in the from-warehouse's or the from-site's domestic currency. Although pro forma invoices are typically used for international shipping transactions, you can also use them for domestic shipping transactions if desired.

Pull transaction

Transaction that moves or transfers material from Site B to Site A.

For example, Site A moves material from Site B. Site A is considered the To Site and Site B is considered the From Site. The quantity will be moved from Site B to Site A. The quantity comes from Site B to Site A. The transaction uses the cost/price of Site B.

Push transaction

Transaction that moves or transfers material from Site A to Site B.

For example, Site A moves material to Site B. Site A is considered the From Site and Site B is considered the To Site. The quantity will be moved from Site A to Site B. The quantity comes from the From Site. The transaction uses the cost/price of Site A.


The copying of data between SyteLine sites


Logically, any place where work is done. Thus, a site can correspond to company headquarters, a manufacturing plant, a distribution center, or a legal company that requires financial reporting. Even if all of these facilities share a single physical building, each can be considered a logical site.

Synchronous replication

Another term sometimes used for transactional replication


Allows one user login for a specified license module, under Named User or Concurrent User licensing.

Transactional replication

A live constant connection from one site to another. SyteLine replicates the transaction to the remote site as soon as the user at one site saves changes. It assumes that both the source and target sites are always connected through SQL Server and have the same schema.


A special class of stored procedure defined to execute automatically when an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement is issued against a database table or view. Sites use triggers to enforce business rules automatically when data is modified.


A mechanism for gathering elements from SQL tables and assembling them into a virtual table. Generated views simplify database queries by eliminating the need to understand the underlying structure of a database. In SyteLine, views can be used with master sites, allowing other sites in the intranet to maintain data at the master site.

Also refers to multiple "views" (different data sets) available on SyteLine forms such as Customer Inquiry and Vendor Inquiry.


Work in process for a product or products in various stages of completion throughout the plant, including all material from raw material that has been released for initial processing up to completely processed material awaiting final inspection and acceptance as finished product. Many accounting systems also include the value of partially finished stock and components in this category.