Defining intranets for use with non-transactional replication

  1. In the Intranets form, specify all intranets to be used in this multi-site system. The default intranet is DEMO. During the planning phase you should have determined whether you need additional intranets, and which sites will use them.

    Some forms, like this one, open “filter-in-place,” where all of the fields on the form are blank. You can then specify filter criteria in one or more fields to retrieve a collection of records that meet those criteria. Alternatively, you can leave all fields blank and click the filter button in the toolbar to see all existing records and add new ones.

  2. Specify connection information used in data requests to and from the other sites:
    Select this field if the intranet is an external intranet, meaning that it allows applications other than those based on the Mongoose toolset. Replication done on an external intranet must be non-transactional, and an external intranet cannot have a master site.
    This field, which is enabled if you selected External, allows you to select either HTTP or ESB as the transport protocol for exchanging data with external applications:
    • HTTP is used to handle most non-transactional replication. If you select HTTP, you then define a set of MSMQ instances, MSMQ listeners, and URLs for the intranet.
    • ESB is used to connect to messaging middleware through Infor ION.
    Master Site
    See Setting up the master site.
    Tenant ID
    This field is used during integration to other applications through business object documents (BODs). See the online help for more information.
  3. If you selected HTTP as the transport method, these additional options are enabled:
    Queue Server
    Enter the name of the MSMQ server for the intranet. If left blank, this field defaults to the utility server running this application, and the private queue area. If you have multiple intranets on different servers, include the utility server machine name in the path (for example, machinename\PRIVATE$).
    Private Queue
    We recommend that you select this field, since queues in non-transactional replication are used only by SyteLine services on the same machine. Setting up public MSMQ instances requires further ActiveDirectory setup, which is not required by the SyteLine services.
    This is the web address to which the XML request/response documents will be posted. When replication occurs between sites on different intranets, XML documents are routed to this URL for the target site. It may also be used by system integrators for programmatic access to a site on this intranet.

    This URL could be an active server page (ASP) on the external system that receives and processes the XML from the SyteLine message queue. The processing done at this URL is up to you; for example, an ASP could map the data into the proper format for the external system, or it could write the XML documents to a location on its server for later processing.

    In many cases, this field provides the address of the default InboundQueue ASP in the virtual directory that was installed with the web server components.

    Direct IDO URL
    This is the web address of the synchronous XML interface to this Intranet. It is used primarily by WinStudio clients which are configured to connect via the Internet. It may also be used by system integrators for programmatic access to a site on this intranet.

    You must specify a fully qualified URL. It should be the address of the ConfigServer, which is deployed on your utility server when you include the web server feature of the utility server setup. For example, if the machine name is UTILSERVER, then the URL might look like this:


    If you want to use secured http, which is a good idea if this server will be open to the internet for http traffic, use this format:


  4. In the TaskMan Path field for each intranet, specify the shared path to the folder containing TaskMan.exe on the utility server used by that intranet.

    This path is usually set to \\servername\SyteLine.

    For more information about how this field is used, see the Multi-Site Planning Guide information on TaskMan monitoring.