Using a command line to link sites in different databases

Alternatively, you can use the InforDBCL.exe command line tool to link sites from different databases in one site group.

The infordbcl.exe command line tool is delivered as part of the server installation under the C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\SyteLine\Tools directory. This tool includes a LinkMultiSite option, which links two existing sites in different databases, using a new or existing multi-site group. If you want to link more sites to the same group, you must run this command multiple times.

Use this command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\SyteLine\Tools\infordcbl.exe LinkMultiSite

Provide these options on the command line to link two sites into the specified multi-site group, where site A is the first site and site B is the second site:

Option Description
[-servername] SQL database A server instance name. This defaults to the local server.
-databasename SQL database A name
[-username] Database A user account. If not specified, Windows authentication is used.
[-password] Database A user account password. By default, Windows authentication for the current user is assumed. If you are using SQL authentication, specify the password.
-siteid ID of site in database A
-sitename Name of site in database A
-sitedesc Description of site in database A
[-sitetype] Type of site (S for site or E for entity) in database A. This defaults to S.
[-groupname] Multi-site group name. If no group name is specified, "Default" is used.
[-servername2] SQL database B server instance name. This defaults to the local server.
-databasename2 SQL database B name
[-username2] Database A user account. If not specified, Windows authentication is used.
[-password2] Database A user account password. By default, Windows authentication for the current user is assumed. If you are using SQL authentication, specify the password.
-siteid2 ID of site in database A
-sitename2 Name of site in database A
-sitedesc2 Description of site in database A
[-sitetype2] Type of site (S for site or E for entity) in database B. This defaults to S.
[-log] Full path to redirect output to a log file

Here are some examples of this command usage:

infordbcl.exe linkmultisite -databasename:"Infor1_App" -username:sa -password:test123 
-servername:server1 -siteid:1 -sitedesc:"This is site 1" -sitetype:S -sitename:"Alpha Site" 
-groupname:Test -databasename2:"Infor2_App" -username2:sa -password2:test123 -siteid2:2 
-sitetype2:S -sitedesc2:"This is site 2" -servername2:"win2012" -sitename2:"Beta Site"
infordbcl.exe linkmultisite -databasename:"Infor1_App" -siteid:1 
-sitedesc:"This is site 1" -sitetype:S -sitename:"Alpha Site" -groupname:Test 
-databasename2:"Infor2_App" -siteid2:2 -sitetype2:S -sitedesc2:"This is site 2" 
-servername2:"win2012\sql" -sitename2:"Beta Site" 
infordbcl.exe linkmultisite -databasename:InforAlpha_App -siteid:Alpha 
-sitedesc:"This is alpha" -sitename:"Alpha Site" -databasename2:InforBeta_App 
-siteid2:Beta -sitedesc2:"This is beta" -sitename2:"Beta Site"