Populating parameter _all records at other sites

In the Update _All Tables form at each site, repopulate certain _all tables.

Note: You must perform this step if the Sites or Sites/Entities form lists at least one site that is not in the same application database, even if you are not currently replicating any data to/from that site. The form lists only those tables that are shareable. If all of the internal sites (that is, sites on an intranet that is not set to "External") which are listed on the Sites or Sites/Entities form reside in the same application database, this should be an empty list.

In an initialized database, the parameters tables already have one record defined for the local site. Because the record already exists, it will not be created at other sites through normal replication. Repopulating the tables ensures that a parameter record for the local site exists at other sites where it is needed.

Use these steps:

  1. Click Deselect All to deselect all tables in the form.
  2. Select the Initialize _All Parameters replication category and click Select By Category to select the parameters tables.
  3. Ensure that nothing else is selected, including Disable Replication or a site name.
  4. Click Repopulate Tables to repopulate each selected parameters _all table at the local site and to create or repopulate the local site record at any other sites to which the local site is replicating a category that contains the parameter table.