Copy User Tables utility

This utility copies user data and authorizations from one SyteLine database to another SyteLine database. This can save time in setting up users in the additional databases.

If your target database is multi-site, the utility copies user data and authorizations to the database. For shared user tables that end with _mst (that is, AccountAuthorizations_mst, UserGroupMap_mst, and User_local_mst) one copy is made to the master site. For non-shared user tables that end with _mst, a copy is made for each site in the database. Other user tables (UserNames, UserEmail, GroupNames, UserModules, and UserDefinedFields) are also copied. For exceptions to this, see How the utility handles shared user tables.

The UserTables.txt file in the SyteLine folder on the utility server is provided by Infor. This file lists tables that are commonly copied by this utility. The Copy User Tables utility refers to this file to determine which tables to copy. You can edit this file to remove tables from the list if you do not want them to be copied by the utility. Adding tables to the list is not supported.

If any users are already defined in the target database, those users are deleted by this utility. Any foreign key references are also deleted. Therefore only use this utility in these cases:
  • You have created a new demo or initialized database, and you want to copy all user data and authorizations from a site in an existing database to sites in the newly created database.
  • You have a pilot database (for example, Phase 1 Pilot). In Phase 2 Pilot testing, you want to replace the entire Phase 1 Pilot database with fresh data. However, you want to copy the user data from the Phase 1 Pilot database into the Phase 2 Pilot database, so that you do not have to re-enter all of the user information.
  • You have a test database with a limited set of users who can access it, but the test data has become stale or corrupted. You want to copy a "live" production database to create a new version of the test database, but you do not want to allow all of the users in the production database to access the test database. You can use this utility to wipe out the user information in the copy, and replace it with the user data from the previous test database.